85 and Still Growing

My father-in-law is an awesome role model in how to age.

Jeff grew up in a tough Boston neighborhood. He was - and still is - wicked smart and scrappy. I only met him 26 years ago, but I'm sure he's had his biggest inner growth spurt in this last quarter century.

You see, Jeff has a growth mindset. He's constantly looking to improve himself. Here's how that plays out.

1. "We're so lucky." Jeff gushes about what he has, especially family.

2. "I was thinking about how...." At 85, Jeff is more open than ever to hearing other perspectives. I post-it in his kitchen said, "Never believe everything you think."

He recently asked a neighbor - a Trump supporter, which Jeff is not - if they could talk. By the end, neither budged, but both softened. 

How cool is that?

3. "I'm reading a book that talks about..." Jeff has always been a voracious reader, taking in three, fat non-fiction books at a time. He's so thirsty to know what makes the world and the people in it tick. And he LOVES to bring people into the conversation.

Studies show that learning and gratitude keep us vibrant in elderhood. Jeff's got these in abundance, earning him an A+ in aging!

Who's your role model for aging?


Ticker Tape Grandma


Meeting the One